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Indienink Music, PR Media Management
Indienink Music, PR Media Management
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Where I Stand by John Saunders Band
New Release! Johns Saunders Band

'Where I Stand' is the new single from the John Saunders Band, celebrating contentment in life and love. This beautiful track exemplifies melodic rock.   

The John Saunders Band is a Colorado group that crosses genres and includes some of the best musicians. 

New Music Video by Kick The Wicked 
''Monkeys in a Jar' (Remastered)

Exciting Announcement!! New Music Video Available Now!! 

Kick the Wicked has unveiled a remastered music video for their latest single, 'Monkeys in a Jar'. 

This track is an incredible addition to the band's repertoire, and the video has truly impressive AI production. Absolutely loving the song and the music video!!

Carry On This Way by Misty Blues Band New Release!!
'Carry On This Way' by Misty Blues 

Misty Blues and lead singer, Gina Coleman, celebrate 25 years of composing and performing original blues with hints of jazz, funk, soul and tent revival gospel. Misty Blues has recorded with Charles Neville, Joe Louis Walker, Eric Cales, Justin Johnson, Kat Riggins, Early Times and Matt Cusson. They have also opened for traditional & contemporary blues artists like Tab Benoit, Mike Zito, Albert Castiglia, Shemekia Copeland, John Primer, Michael Powers, Roomful Of Blues, Albert Cummings, James Montgomery and Gray Clark Jr. In 2019 the band became a finalist in the International Blues Challenge. In 2024

they had a track they released earlier that same year used in a U.S. Presidential campaign ad. "Carry On This Way" marks the first single from

their 17th album, "Other Side Of Blue," which will be released in 2025.

Citizen Invisible 'Bullets' feat. Bruce Stephen Foster
Bullets by Citizen Invisible feat.
Bruce Stephen Foster 

Bruce Stephen Foster and Ellen Sanders collaborated to compose a poignant song aimed at raising awareness of and highlighting the impact of violence. The song was released under the band "Citizen Invisible," with Bruce Stephen Foster as a featured artist.

New Music 
Andrew. Young -
Where I Stand by John Saunders Band
Silver Lining by Misty Blues Band
Indienink Music
Kick the Wicked -  Remastered "Monkeys in a Jar"
Misty Blues 'Granville T.'
Citizen Invisible - 'Bullets' feat. 
Bruce Stephen Foster 
Kick The Wicked 'Firefly'
Andrew Young Band Promo Video for Tour 2025
Rock & Blues Muse
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Indienink Music/ Marlene Palumbo/ /970.581.0947

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